“For the past ten years, basketball player Lee An has been secretly in love with his hyung, Gunwoo. He has kept his feelings hidden all this time, but when he suddenly hears the news of Gunwoo’s divorce, his heart starts to flutter once again! What’s more, Gunwoo asks him to become the promotional model for his company? It’s a rare opportunity, so he decides to make his move!
“Lately, I— I’ve been so pent up that I have a hard time focusing on basketball…!!!”
Derailed from the path of unrequited love, Off-Track Crush”
Off-Track Crush
Deorbiting Unrequited Love, Tình yêu lạc lối, Unrequited Love Deviation from Orbit, Unrequited Love Goes Off Track, โคจรมาพบรัก, 脫軌的單戀, 軌道を外れた片思い, 짝사랑 궤도이탈

The series "Off-Track Crush" may contain violence, blood or sexual content that is not suitable for minors.