My bride, Neungso, has so many wonderful qualities! He’s as pretty as freshly fallen snow, as big and strong as a mountain, and has a hu… HUGE summer squash between his legs! I thought having a bride meant having someone to take care of and make happy, but it turns out he knows just how to make me feel good. I wish I could make him happy too, but I’m not the special moon rabbit he’s looking for, so I know he’ll leave me one day. Maybe it would’ve been better if Habibi never brought my bride home. Maybe then, I wouldn’t have to feel this pain…
Cheeky Habits of My Rabbits
Habibi's Rabbit, Habibi's Rabbits, Habibis Hasen, Les lapins de Bibi, เหล่ากระต่ายน้อยของฮาบีบี, うさぎたちの秘め事, 哈比比的兔子们, 夏菲菲的兔子, 河妃妃的兔子們, 하비비의 토끼들

The series "Cheeky Habits of My Rabbits" may contain violence, blood or sexual content that is not suitable for minors.